It is not the first time that the training hall of “Center for Family and Parenthood” received adoptive parents and caregivers who come from different areas of Kherson region for advanced training. Three days were full and bright. Training participants together with trainers discussed trauma consequences, “brain chemistry” of a traumatized child, attachment, its importance in the life of any child and how it can be developed.
During development of life stories and simulation the participants were able to “live through” the pain of abandoned children, and breaches in the lives of children that hurt even when seen on paper … tears and joy when there is hope …
Discipline, as always, caused considerable resonance, but parents received new knowledge and skills, and as a result, more opportunities for alternative, non-violent methods of raising children.
Feedback from participants of the training:
“Thanks for the training! I really liked the topic of discipline, especially the method of encouraging, which gives the child an opportunity to learn new behavior and strengthens relationships with parents”
“Working with life stories and finding ways to participate in a child’s needs was an interesting experience”
“Knowledge obtained at the training inspires to believe that something can be changed …””Thank you for good time and what you believe in us”