Family is a small part, cell of a living organism which is called the state.


In 2015 we continued to walk towards our common goal together with you. Specifically, we developed forms of national family placement for orphans and children deprived of parental care, provided professional assistance to foster families, grew spiritually together, promoted adoption, and involved even more people in the process. All these activities are relevant and priority.
Provision of financial, methodical and charitable assistance to the Ministry’s families.
1. 86 families, members of the Ministry received monthly financial assistance;
2. The Ministry’s families with urgent requests received assistance in medical treatment and diagnosis;
3. In partnership with the “Light of resurrection” mission 13 families received assistance in buying coal and wood, urgent medical assistance (purchase of medical supplies);
4. A mini-project “Helper outer” was launched for collection, exchange and use of children’s clothes, furniture, toys and household items.
5. To continue good traditions of the Ministry round tables were held, during which the participants exchanged their parental experience, communicated with parents who decided to minister to orphans for the first time. In 2015 we had two events like this.
• Joint vacation of parents with their children (kayaking, extreme tourism) has helped to strengthen relationships in families.
• Bright Christmas celebration meeting united everybody in joy and love.