In 2015 educational outreach activities with foster families included:
- seminars for parents on the subject of home schooling issues, legal education;
- advice on legal support of the adoption process, correctional classes with children, individual teaching of children with special needs;
- Trainings for foster parents, professionals of various state and public structures, who take care of orphans and children deprived of parental care and their families dealing with the following topics:
– “How to build relationship with adopted children: when the past of foster parents influences upbringing of a child with a history of trauma” with the participation of international trainer and expert David Little (USA);
– “How to mobilize community resources to provide comprehensive services to children and adults with special needs” with Lyle and Quetta Halik (Canada) as speakers;
– “Key aspects of helping orphans” with speakers from the International Center of Development and Leadership (ICDL)
- Education of foster families during two-day training at ICDL: “Help during acute emotional states. How to help children and families heal from trauma”.
- on-site training in the village of Gornostayevka “Pedagogical correction of aggressive behavior in children”.