Today in Ukraine there are many families who, because of military operations had to leave the area of ATO. “My Home” Foundation has decided not to stay away, and for several months is actively engaged in assistance to refugees. During this time, 60 families were accommodated; food aid and basic necessities for them were provided as well.
Today they live near us and are in critical need of our assistance from us in the most necessary things. The greatest demand is for warm clothes (good quality and clean), personal hygiene products, food, bedclothes, pillows, blankets, household utensils, etc. In addition to that, there is a variety of needs, such as transportation for people, fuel, housing (rented or personal), financial assistance. If you are open to minister in those needs, please call, we’ll show you how to do it:
Tel. 095 426 47 90; 093 786 94 53 Andrei Beglenko
066 868 78 79; 093 107 80 19 Yekaterina Glazykina