Trust Based Relational Intervention

That was the name of training for adoptive and foster parents from the Institute of Child Development. David Little was the speaker. Fifty parents came to learn how to build relationships based on trust.

Intervention based on trust relationship is a flexible method based on attachment and incentive. It is designed specifically for children who grew up in difficult circumstances and experienced cruelty, neglect, repeated change of residence, abuse.



The bases of trust relationship intervention are three principles that help a child or teenager return to the path of natural development:

  1. Connecting
  2. Empowering
  3. Correction

Established connections are natural basis, which should be formed in the context of love and care. This is the foundation that will help your child to withstand any pressure. To manage your child’s behavior is much easier when relationships are built on a solid foundation of attachment and trust.


Within these principles, parents and guardians were able to look at their relationship with children from a different perspective and learn to restore connections with the child who never learned to trust.